
Bruno Moreschi
1982, Brasil. Now in Zurich.
Full CV here [pdf].

Postdoc researcher, visual artist and filmmaker. PhD in Arts at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), with passage at the University of Arts of Helsinki. Senior researcher at the Center for Arts, Design, and Social Research (CAD+SR) and member of the Decay without mourning project: future thinking heritage practices (Riksbanken Jubileum Fond, Wallenberg Found and VolkswagenStiftung).

Since September 2023, I have started a fellowship and research at the Collegium Helveticum, joint Institute for Advanced Studies of ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich, and ZHdK. In April 2024, I will start research at LIAS – The Leuphana University Institute for Advanced Studies.

My investigations are related to the deconstruction of systems and the decoding of procedures and social practices in the fields of the arts, museums, visual culture and technology. Projects recognized by grants, exhibitions and institutions such as ZKM, Van Abbemuseum, 33rd Bienal de São Paulo, Rumos Award, Funarte, Fapesp, Capes, University of Cambridge and Bauhaus Fellowship.