
Future Movement Future

HD, 9'39", 2021. 
For Surveillance & Society journal vol. 19 No. 4 (2021): Imagining Surveillance Futures.


In a not too distant future, an anonymous researcher and their team applied for funding to develop their newest invention: a new algorithmic model for smart cameras which would allow to analyze the movement of cars at a previously unheard-of scale.

This system was said to enable new forms of predictive capabilities to emerge: the algorithm would be able to, for example, predict the route drivers wanted to take but had not yet taken – including, for example, their occult inner desires for getting away with a secret lover.

A panel of academic reviewers from three different universities audited and reviewed the proposed system. All that is left are segments of the video-report resulting from this meeting, which became an urban legend among technology researchers.

The short film “Future Movement Future – REJECTED” is the story of a dystopian surveillance future that was barred by institutional refusal.

Voices of the reviewers:
Sarah Dillon (University of Cambridge)
Cláudio Pereira (Federal University of Bahia)
Rodrigo Ochigame (Leiden University).

Screenplay, direction: Bruno Moreschi & Gabriel Pereira
Image research: Pedro Gallego, Bruno Moreschi, Gabriel Pereira
Editing, animation: Pedro Gallego
Graphic design: Guilherne Falcão
Sound design: David Menezes

movie stills.