Currently creating a film version of the book Moby Dick from online call sessions, in which the sea of water becomes a sea of pixels. Scheduled for 2026.

I've never been to Acapulco, but I like it there.
114’, 2024. w/ Pedro Gallego.
Employing methodologies rooted in critical pedagogy, this experimental documentary creates several possibilities for rethinking machine training through images. Using practices such as mail art with AI experts and experimental reading sessions with crowd workers from Amazon Mechanical Turk, this film is akin to a beach, composed of countless grains of sand that symbolize various perspectives. The film is currently being shown in cinemas, museums and universities, creating opportunities not only for the exhibition of an artistic work, but for collectively rethinking what Computer Vision is and what it can be.
114’, 2024. w/ Pedro Gallego.
Employing methodologies rooted in critical pedagogy, this experimental documentary creates several possibilities for rethinking machine training through images. Using practices such as mail art with AI experts and experimental reading sessions with crowd workers from Amazon Mechanical Turk, this film is akin to a beach, composed of countless grains of sand that symbolize various perspectives. The film is currently being shown in cinemas, museums and universities, creating opportunities not only for the exhibition of an artistic work, but for collectively rethinking what Computer Vision is and what it can be.

Future Moviment Future - REJECTED
9'39", 2021. w/ Gabriel Pereira and Pedro Gallego.
A dystopian surveillance future that was barred by institutional refusal. Created as a multimedia contribution to the journal Surveillance & Society, this short film simulates a near-future scenario in which academic reviewers reject a project that aims to create a new algorithmic model for cars that can predict the route drivers want to take. With contributions from (real) professors from three universities, the film discusses the need to sometimes say no to certain technological advances.

real virtual labour
Exch w/ Turkers
2020. w/ aarea and Group on Artificial Intelligence and Art (GAIA).
“Automatism” in AI is only made possible due to the wide employment of a human workforce – so let's listen the workers. Exch w/ Turkers is a website that brings to light the role played by humans in running Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as their working conditions. Though frequently labeled as automatic and autonomous, AIs depend on work done by humans. In the project’s chat window, anyone can chat with some of the individuals who carry out Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs), small tasks that are used in the development of AI. In a second stage, the project also became a free publication co-edited with the same participating Turkers.
Exch w/ Turkers
2020. w/ aarea and Group on Artificial Intelligence and Art (GAIA).
“Automatism” in AI is only made possible due to the wide employment of a human workforce – so let's listen the workers. Exch w/ Turkers is a website that brings to light the role played by humans in running Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as their working conditions. Though frequently labeled as automatic and autonomous, AIs depend on work done by humans. In the project’s chat window, anyone can chat with some of the individuals who carry out Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs), small tasks that are used in the development of AI. In a second stage, the project also became a free publication co-edited with the same participating Turkers.

ways of seeing
Recoding Art
14'50", 2019. w/ Gabriel Pereira. Deviant Practice, Van Abbemuseum.
On an October evening, digital media researcher Gabriel Pereira sent me an email with Duchamp’s font read by Google Cloud Vision. The message marked the beginning of a research that involved creating a platform that centralized commercial Artificial Intelligences to read the collection of a contemporary art museum. Our interest was to stimulate AI errors and glitches and, thus, at the same time, demystify the false automatism of Computer Vision and the opacity of the official discourse of the art system.
The short film had its world premiere at the IDFA Film Festival Competition for Short Documentary 2019 in Amsterdam, and was shown at several other important festivals globally.
Recoding Art
14'50", 2019. w/ Gabriel Pereira. Deviant Practice, Van Abbemuseum.
On an October evening, digital media researcher Gabriel Pereira sent me an email with Duchamp’s font read by Google Cloud Vision. The message marked the beginning of a research that involved creating a platform that centralized commercial Artificial Intelligences to read the collection of a contemporary art museum. Our interest was to stimulate AI errors and glitches and, thus, at the same time, demystify the false automatism of Computer Vision and the opacity of the official discourse of the art system.
The short film had its world premiere at the IDFA Film Festival Competition for Short Documentary 2019 in Amsterdam, and was shown at several other important festivals globally.

purposefully broad
Another 33rd Bienal de São Paulo
Website, AI, video, images, sound, texts etc, 2018.
What is presence today? What do non-experts have to say? What reverberates? And what is left? Actions to expand the understanding of an Art Biennial. Invited to carry out a commissioned project at the 33rd São Paulo Art Biennial, I coordinated a multidisciplinary team to create an alternative and experimental archive of the exhibition. Our focus was to ignore the official discourse there and create actions related to institutional critique and infrastructural critique to show that an art exhibition is much more than its official visual appearance.
Another 33rd Bienal de São Paulo
Website, AI, video, images, sound, texts etc, 2018.
What is presence today? What do non-experts have to say? What reverberates? And what is left? Actions to expand the understanding of an Art Biennial. Invited to carry out a commissioned project at the 33rd São Paulo Art Biennial, I coordinated a multidisciplinary team to create an alternative and experimental archive of the exhibition. Our focus was to ignore the official discourse there and create actions related to institutional critique and infrastructural critique to show that an art exhibition is much more than its official visual appearance.

data and exclusions
The History of _rt
2017. Rumos Itaú Cultural Award and CAD+SR
... is the area of human sciences in which there is a constructed narrative about the creation of objects and experiences produced mainly by men who are white European, or from the US, and painters (some of them, geniuses). Based on an analysis of data from books used to teach Art History, it was observed that from a total of 2,443 artists, only 215 (8.8%) are women, 22 are black (0.9%), and 645 (26.3%) are non-Europeans. This is a project created when I was a PhD professor assistant at Unicamp University and was stimulated by the students' discomfort in having to study a History of Art that is mostly Eurocentric, US American, white and misogynistic.
The History of _rt
2017. Rumos Itaú Cultural Award and CAD+SR
... is the area of human sciences in which there is a constructed narrative about the creation of objects and experiences produced mainly by men who are white European, or from the US, and painters (some of them, geniuses). Based on an analysis of data from books used to teach Art History, it was observed that from a total of 2,443 artists, only 215 (8.8%) are women, 22 are black (0.9%), and 645 (26.3%) are non-Europeans. This is a project created when I was a PhD professor assistant at Unicamp University and was stimulated by the students' discomfort in having to study a History of Art that is mostly Eurocentric, US American, white and misogynistic.

"mere accessories"
The Museum is Closed for Renovations
2014 - 2022.
The Museum is Closed for Renovations is a set of experimentations that departs from the closing of a historical museum to rethink Brazil’s history and its official visual symbols. It is also a long-term partnership with street painters from São Paulo who were challenged to create new versions of an official painting that was temporarily unavailable. Our focus was especially on highlighting what is merely a detail in the official painting: the people. Today, with the museum reopened, one of these paintings focusing on the people is part of the museum's collection, challenging the official painting and History.
The Museum is Closed for Renovations
2014 - 2022.
The Museum is Closed for Renovations is a set of experimentations that departs from the closing of a historical museum to rethink Brazil’s history and its official visual symbols. It is also a long-term partnership with street painters from São Paulo who were challenged to create new versions of an official painting that was temporarily unavailable. Our focus was especially on highlighting what is merely a detail in the official painting: the people. Today, with the museum reopened, one of these paintings focusing on the people is part of the museum's collection, challenging the official painting and History.

signed walls
in the art space. Who are the wall painters who paint an exhibition room so that the "magic" of art can happen? Based on a lot of collaborative work, this project aims to think about the idea of a white cube before it is entirely white. I tried to interfere as little as possible in the choices of these professionals, who signed their work and, of course, are paid fairly.
in the art space. Who are the wall painters who paint an exhibition room so that the "magic" of art can happen? Based on a lot of collaborative work, this project aims to think about the idea of a white cube before it is entirely white. I tried to interfere as little as possible in the choices of these professionals, who signed their work and, of course, are paid fairly.

shared authorship
After - Depois - Según
Exercise 1, 2016. w/ the Cristina Garrido and Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo.
Materials collected for one year and a photocopy machine were placed at the disposal of visitors who were able to make copies. This project was created during the Arco Madrid fair and attempted to do the opposite of an art fair: everything there was not only free but also easily reproducible. In the experimentations performed in space Salón, all exchanged material and a photocopy machine were placed at the disposal of visitors who were able to make several copies and interventions.
After - Depois - Según
Exercise 1, 2016. w/ the Cristina Garrido and Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo.
Materials collected for one year and a photocopy machine were placed at the disposal of visitors who were able to make copies. This project was created during the Arco Madrid fair and attempted to do the opposite of an art fair: everything there was not only free but also easily reproducible. In the experimentations performed in space Salón, all exchanged material and a photocopy machine were placed at the disposal of visitors who were able to make several copies and interventions.

Quixote was “as thin as a letter”
Author of Pierre Menard
Ink on paper, 2015.
Letter by letter. Author of Pierre Menard is an artistic action that results in a new version of the short story Pierre Menard, author of D. Quijote, by Jorge Luis Borges. The strategy to reach such a result was to recreate by hand drawing, letter by letter, the first edition of the story – highlighting the material consistency of the text, in addition to its statement. The project was also a way to support Pablo Katchadjian, a writer who was sued by Borges widow for writing a longer version of The Aleph.
Author of Pierre Menard
Ink on paper, 2015.
Letter by letter. Author of Pierre Menard is an artistic action that results in a new version of the short story Pierre Menard, author of D. Quijote, by Jorge Luis Borges. The strategy to reach such a result was to recreate by hand drawing, letter by letter, the first edition of the story – highlighting the material consistency of the text, in addition to its statement. The project was also a way to support Pablo Katchadjian, a writer who was sued by Borges widow for writing a longer version of The Aleph.

breaking boundaries
Normative frames
16 frames destroyed frames, 2014.
Breaking the limits imposed by quadrants. Normative frame is a term taken from the book Pure Theory of Law by Hans Kelsen, and relates to the area of multiple interpretations that surrounds a law. The idea of frame in visual arts also suggests a micro-regulatory system, often incompatible with the vast consequences of an expanded field of art.
Normative frames
16 frames destroyed frames, 2014.
Breaking the limits imposed by quadrants. Normative frame is a term taken from the book Pure Theory of Law by Hans Kelsen, and relates to the area of multiple interpretations that surrounds a law. The idea of frame in visual arts also suggests a micro-regulatory system, often incompatible with the vast consequences of an expanded field of art.

contamination in museum libraries
Art Book
Book etc., 300 pages, 2012 - 2014.
Artists’ bios and 311 artworks by 50 contemporary artists or not. This project is the result of my M.A. research, under the tutorship of professor Lygia Arcuri Eluf. To this day, Art Book contaminates museum libraries – so be careful.
Art Book
Book etc., 300 pages, 2012 - 2014.
Artists’ bios and 311 artworks by 50 contemporary artists or not. This project is the result of my M.A. research, under the tutorship of professor Lygia Arcuri Eluf. To this day, Art Book contaminates museum libraries – so be careful.

artwork photography
“Hire a professional
2014 - working in progress.
Precision, rather than creativity, is the most important aspect of this craft. Since 2014, I have invited an increasing number of professionals accustomed to photographing artworks to shoot one “sculpture”: a small rock found on the street that will never, in fact, be displayed to the public.
“Hire a professional
2014 - working in progress.
Precision, rather than creativity, is the most important aspect of this craft. Since 2014, I have invited an increasing number of professionals accustomed to photographing artworks to shoot one “sculpture”: a small rock found on the street that will never, in fact, be displayed to the public.

theft of image theories
Theft and image
Police report, 2016.
An unlocked car. Inside, books on photography. If someone steals a car full of photography books, this could be an opportunity not just for the thief.
Theft and image
Police report, 2016.
An unlocked car. Inside, books on photography. If someone steals a car full of photography books, this could be an opportunity not just for the thief.

status oscillation
Defects that remove the utilitarian characteristic of nails transform them into objects of artistic interest. Or not. These defective nails have been sent to various agents of the art world, such as artists, curators and producers, to be used in exhibitions with their original purpose – to hang or set artworks in place.
Defects that remove the utilitarian characteristic of nails transform them into objects of artistic interest. Or not. These defective nails have been sent to various agents of the art world, such as artists, curators and producers, to be used in exhibitions with their original purpose – to hang or set artworks in place.

oral x visual
2011-2012. w/ Camila Regis.
Spoken portraits of a face described by the same person to police officers.
2011-2012. w/ Camila Regis.
Spoken portraits of a face described by the same person to police officers.