
I've never been to Acapulco, but I like it there.
114’, 2024. w/ Pedro Gallego.
This film is akin to a beach, composed of countless grains of sand that symbolize various perspectives.

Future Moviment Future - REJECTED
9'39", 2021. w/ Gabriel Pereira and Pedro Gallego.
A dystopian surveillance future that was barred by institutional refusal.

real virtual labour
Exch w/ Turkers
2020. w/ aarea and Group on Artificial Intelligence and Art (GAIA).
“Automatism” in AI is only made possible due to the wide employment of a human workforce  –  so let's listen the workers.

ways of seeing
Recoding Art
14'50", 2019. w/ Gabriel Pereira. Deviant Practice, Van Abbemuseum.
Capitalism and AI in asn art museum collection.

purposefully broad questions
Another 33rd Bienal de São Paulo
Website, AI, video, images, sound, texts etc, 2018.
What is presence today? What do non-experts have to say? What reverberates? And what is left? Actions to expand the understanding of an Art Biennial.
data and exclusions
The History of _rt
2017. Rumos Itaú Cultural Award and CAD+SR
... is the area of human sciences in which there is a constructed narrative about the creation of objects and experiences produced mainly by men who are white European, or from the US, and painters (some of them, geniuses).

"mere accessories"
The Museum is Closed for Renovations
2014 - 2022.
A closed historical museum and the unavailability of its main painting.
signed walls
in the art space.
shared authorship
After - Depois - Según

Exercise 1, 2016. w/ the Cristina Garrido and Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo.
Materials collected for one year and a photocopy machine were placed at the disposal of visitors who were able to make copies.
Quixote was “as thin as a letter”
Author of Pierre Menard
Ink on paper, 2015.
Letter by letter.
breaking boundaries
Normative frames
16 frames destroyed frames, 2014.
Breaking the limits imposed by quadrants.
contamination in museum libraries
Art Book
Book etc., 300 pages, 2012 - 2014.
Artists’ bios and 311 artworks by 50 contemporary artists or not.
artwork photography
“Hire a professional
2014 - woring in progress.
Precision, rather than creativity, is the most important aspect of this craft.
theft of image theories
Theft and image
Police report, 2016.
An unlocked car. Inside, books on photography.
status oscillation
Defects that remove the utilitarian characteristic of nails transform them into objects of artistic interest.
oral x visual
2011-2012. w/ Camila Regis.
Spoken portraits of a face described by the same person to police officers.